Page 10 - DoggieRescue E-Magazine August 2018_Neat
P. 10


Written by Jess Sandstrom                                           Snow has constantly surprised us with her
                                                                    gusto and enthusiasm as she has aged. It
                            Jess, Kyle & Snow                       has only really been over the last 12-18
                            are a family...                         months that we have seen significant
                                                                    changes in her behaviour and personality.
                                                                    Particularly that Snow seems to have
                                                                    developed a bit of doggie dementia which
                                                                    has been upsetting. But, each new need
                                                                    has been adapted to through modifications
                                                                    to our home, changes to the way that we
                                                                    handle Snow and of course changes in
                                                                    what we expect of our darling granny dog.

                                                                    ONE OF THE EXCITING CHANGES WE HAVE
                                                                    MADE RECENTLY...Is to get a Snow Mobile

                                                                    into action so that we can go on more
                                                                    adventures. Snow has had chronic pain
                                                                    from arthritis and hip dysplasia since we
                                                                    first brought her home which she has
                                                                    always been medicated for but it has only
                                                                    been lately that we have felt it has impacted
                                                                    significantly on her quality of life. It started
                                                                    to become a battle between boredom and
                                                                    pain for our darling girl as she has not been
                                                                    able to comfortably walk far enough from
                                                                    home to get to have some proper fun. We
                                                                    have been filling the gaps with enrichment
                                                                    and training but sometimes a girl just has to
                                                                    get down to the park to enjoy the sun.

Happy “Gotcha Day”
     Dear Snow!

We can hardly believe our luck that we still have Snow in           “ Snow was returned to DR after 6+
our lives coming up to our 6th anniversary together.                years with her owners. We fostered
                                                                    her first, then adopted. ” Jess
SHE MIGHT GET 3 OR 4 GOOD YEARS. Now, at the grand age of
14 Snow continues to fill our hearts and our home with love and we
couldn’t be happier. We feel so lucky to have had her in our lives
for so long.
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