Page 1 - Tales
P. 1

Boys will be Buoys
                                                        chapter 1

               'Old Ken' relaxed  and leaned back smiling. His hands were  on the controls  of his beloved cabin
        cruiser. This was his favorite time of the week.  A chance to take a relaxed trip around this fantastic  lake
        with its paddling  wildlife and  beautiful scenery. As he gently pulled away from the jetty the yacht skippers
        off to his right were preparing for their Sunday morning race.  They listened, with glazed looks in their eyes
        as 'Young Ken' (the Boss) gave very detailed directions of the course route for that day.

               Soon there was the usual sound of sails being tweaked and booms being carefully adjusted.  To
        any outsider, it must have looked as if they all knew what they were doing!  The comical banter followed by
        deep breathing exercises was their way of coping with challenges ahead.    They loved racing and on this
        Sunday the weather was perfect and the wind direction suited the course layout, it promised to be a great
        day......Six  sleek  craft  slid  away  heading  for  the  start  buoys.    After  a  couple  of  minutes  the  countdown
        started and they were off, heading for the first buoy. Having spotted some dirt on the water 'Rick (The Pleb)
        Jones immediately retired from the race and plucked his shiny new yacht from the lake, polished it lovingly
        then put it back into his equally polished car!

               In the mean time 'Old Ken' was circling on the far side  of the lake, his eyes slowly fluttered  and
        closed then slowly his fingers slipped from the transmitter on his lap. The cruiser, as if with a mind of its
        own, suddenly shot off towards the yacht course. Now peacefully asleep in his comfy chair Ken was totally
        unaware of what was about to happen.........

               Yachts began colliding with each other whilst trying to avoid the feral boat. Booms and rigging got
        tangled locking two of the boats together. One grounded  on the  sandbank and the  others ran  for cover
        trying, unsuccessfully, to avoid the overhanging trees. Galvanized into action by shouts, cursing and it must
        be  said  a  little  whimpering  from the  traumatised  yacht  skippers,  Bill  'Wet Willy'  leapt  to  the  rescue.  He
        grabbed 'Old Ken's' transmitter and steered the cruiser back. After carefully lifting it out of the water he put
        it on the bank and woke 'Old Ken' who seemed quite surprised by all the fuss. 'Rick Pleb' just smiled and
        glanced towards his nice clean yacht which was safe in his nice clean car!!

               This and other crazy incidents seem to repeat on a regular basis in our Club but thankfully we don't
        seem  to  learn.  A  few members  have  even  earn  nick  names.  That  wonderful Welsh tradition  of  replace
        surnames with the person's claim to fame.  Like the village, Policeman up in the Valleys who was known as
        'Dai Book and Pencil'.

               One of our first was John 'Splash'.  He went to great lengths to point out to us one morning that as
        the water level of the lake had risen above the path it was difficult to see the edge, so we should all be very,
        very careful.  Seconds later, as if to demonstrate his deep concern for our safety, he stepped over the very
        same edge and plunged head first into the water, quite spectacular really!

               Then, just recently, 'Bill Wet Willy' earned his nickname. The same bit of path was flooded and with
        boat in hand he walked forward straight over the edge and disappeared under the water.  Geoff and Rick
        were only a couple of feet away on the dry bank. Rick grabbed Geoff’s arm. “Quick mate, do something!”
        Geoff’s years of military service and swift reaction paid off.  He whipped out his mobile phone and captured
        a rather brilliant shot of Bill 'Wet Willy' being dragged from the water by Les. Despite all this Bill emptied his
        wellies, got dried off and joined us at 'Georgie’s Cafe' for our usual Thursday fry-up.   We had a great laugh
        re-living the morning and along with other customers watched in amazement as the cafe windows gradually
        steamed up.

        Stay tuned for chapter 2

        'Rick Pleb'    Park Liaison English B-----d

        January 2016
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