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Congregations, rabbis

                                                                            & organizations react
                                                                                    — Pages 2-6

           Jan. 13, 2021 / Tevet 29, 5781                                       Volume 56, Issue 2
        A day of infamy – Jan. 6, 2021

         This EXTRA edition  of the Jewish  hours by a mob that stormed the Capi-  He continued:  “This temple  to de-
        Review is designed to create a written  tol and breached its buildings in anger  mocracy  was desecrated,  its  windows
        memorial of the horrendous events of  over Trump’s loss in the election.  smashed,  our  offices  vandalized.  The
        Jan. 6, 2021. We feel it is important to   When lawmakers returned to the  world  saw  America’s  elected  officials
        document the statements and programs  Capitol to resume counting and certi-  hurriedly ushered out because they
        from our local Jewish community in the  fying electoral votes to formalize Pres-  were in harm’s way. The House and
        wake  of  the  Jan.  6, 2021, violent  in-  ident-elect  Joe  Biden’s victory  in  the  Senate floors were places of shelter un-
        surrection at the United States Capitol  2020 election, Senate Minority Leader  til the evacuation was ordered, leaving
        Building.                            Chuck Schumer said: “We can now add  rioters to stalk these hallowed halls.
         Congressional certification is normal-  Jan. 6, 2021, to that very short list of  Lawmakers  and  our  staffs,  average
        ly a formality, but on Jan. 6, the pro-  dates in American history that will live  citizens who love their country, serve it
        ceeding was interrupted for about six  forever in infamy.”                every day, feared for their lives.”
        A search for healing

         Long before rioters stormed our  can find ways to repair our shat-
        Capitol, Br’iut & B’rachot:  A  tered hearts and dreams.
        Community  Wellness  Havdalah   This Havdalah can help.”
        was planned for Jan. 9 on Zoom.   Before singing “Light is Re-
         The event  was designed to  turning,” Safyan said: “Tonight, I
        bring  the  community  together  also feel the precarious nature of
        to nurture our mental health and  the big things...our democracy, so
        wellness and celebrate  the start  precious and also, fragile.  It feels
        of a new week and a new year.  dark tonight.  And yet, tonight, we
        It took on a deeper need for heal-  are privileged to light our candles
        ing following the insurrection in  together.” (See more page 4.)   The Jan. 9 Community Wellness Havdalah provided an oppor-
        Washington, D.C., Jan. 6, 2021.  The Jewish  Federation of   tunity to find healing in Jewish tradition. Rabbi Barry Cohen said
         Community  Chaplain  Rabbi  Greater Portland and PJ Library   the spices remind us to use all of our senses to nourish  our
        Barry Cohen and Cantorial Solo-  sponsored the event.     souls. See recording at
        ist Ilene Safyan led the Havdalah
        service to close Shabbat and find
        strength for healing.                                                                          Cantorial Soloist
         “What a week we just had,”                                                                    Ilene Safyan
        said Rabbi Cohen to begin the                                                                  (top row at left
        evening. He continued:                                                                         in yellow box)
         “Amidst a pandemic, we                                                                        sang “The Light
        watched the desecration of our                                                                 is Returning”
        nation’s Capitol  and of our de-                                                               as people lit
        mocracy.  We  were  horrified  by                                                              their havdalah
                                                                                                       candles. For
        insurrectionists  and  rioters,                                                                her  complete
        many who waved or wore Con-                                                                    comments about
        federate,  Neo-Nazi and racist                                                                 the song and
        flags or clothing.                                                                             the song’s lyrics,
         I can imagine  our range of                                                                   see page 4.
         While it will not be easy to heal
        from this trauma, together, we
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