Page 2 - 2018 Spring
P. 2

Grand Masters Message ................3
                                                               A few words from the Chair:
                  Deputy Grand Master ...................4

                  Senior Grand Warden ...................5     Brethren,
                                                               The previous issue received quite a few good comments from
                  Junior Grand Warden ....................6    the membership. Mainly for the reason being that a copy was
                                                               able to make it to each our own mail box and were readily avail-
                  Grand Secretary ............................7  able when we have the right time to read it. Unfortunately our
                                                               funds could not allow this issue to be mailed to everybody. We
                  Research and Education ................8     can only promise that we will try our best for the next issue to be
                                                               mailed and delivered to your mailboxes once more this Masonic
               In This Issue
                  PR / Asst Grand Secretary .............9
                                                               It is still a struggle to accumulate articles to publish so we can
                                                               live up to your expectation of receiving ample amount of infor-
                  Legislative Update / Youth ...........10     mation regarding the state of our Craft. The Masonic Tribune
                                                               is the best means to communicate to the membership efficient
                  Membership Development ..........11          and  effective  ideas,  best  practices  and  successful  programs
                                                               that were promoted in your areas. Help us help you and the rest
                  JGW Candidates Forum...............12        to be well informed by submitting articles for this publication.
                                                               Thank you for the kind remarks sent to us in response to the
                  DDGM Reports ....................13 - 14     success of the last issue and thank you for your continued sup-
                                                               port to this publication in particular and the Fraternity in general.
                  DDGM Reports ...........................15
                  DDGM Reports ...........................16
                                                               MWB G. Santy Lascano, PGM
                  DDGM Reports ...........................17   Chairman, GLWA Masonic Tribune

                  DDGM Reports ...........................18
                  Invitation ....................................19

                  Directory Services  ......................20  (Guidelines continued)
                                                                  7. When sending your article, your email subject field should say “Ma-
                                                                    sonic Tribune Summer 2017 – Your Name or Committee Name or
                                                                    your GL Title should be contained in the article.”
                                                                  8. Your article is important to us. Please help us protect its accuracy
                                                                    according to your intended subject.

         Guidelines for submission of articles for the Masonic    The Masonic Tribune is an official publication of Grand
         Tribune                                                  Lodge of Free and  Accepted Masons of Washington.
       1. Articles can be submitted in MS Word format. Please do not do too
         much special formatting when writing your article because your lay-
         out will be subject to change depending on which page your article   Masonic Tribune Committee:
         will be placed in the publication itself.                MWB G. Santy Lascano, Chairman
       2. Please always do a thorough spell check of your document espe-  WB Dean Markley
         cially names that are not common in the built in spell checker of   Publication Design & Layout: MWB G. Santy Lascano
         software applications.
       3. Please make sure you only use Arial in all your fonts in the docu-
         ment, as the publication body text will all be produced in Arial type   This publication may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or in
         font only. If you use another font, some special characters might not   part without the permission of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted
                                                                  Masons of Washington.
         translate properly when converted to Arial. This typeface is pretty
         much Universal.                                          Liability: While every care is taken in the preparation of this publica-
       4. Include the pictures you want used in your article in the Word docu-  tion, neither the publisher nor the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted
         ment layout, but also please attach the original digital photo file as a   Masons of Washington can be held responsible for the accuracy of the
         separate file in the email.                              information herein, or any consequence arising from it.
       5. Make sure the name and author of the article is reflected on the   Article submission deadlines:
         bottom of the article content.                           Summer Issue ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������First of May
       6. Video clips are acceptable. Please send me a separate email so   Fall Issue ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������September 1
         we can arrange for the transmission of your video media footage   Winter Issue ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� December 1
                                                                  Spring Issue �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������February 1
                                (Continued next column)
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