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                Ludlow St Laurence Parish Office, 2 College Street, Ludlow, Shropshire. SY8 1AN
                                              Telephone:  01584 872073

                     e-mail:     website:

             The office is open to the public on weekdays between 10.00 am and 12.00 pm.
                          Rector   Revd Kelvin Price (available Sunday-Friday)        07799 243867

                          Curate   Revd Lawrence Gittins (available Sunday-Friday)     07786 625565
                          Assistant Priest  Revd Prebendary Ann Barge             01584 877307

         Ludlow St Laurence                                   Ludlow St John
         Parish Office         01584 872073                   Parish Office     Grace Johnson 07432  563545
         Office Administrator     Nicky Luck                  Churchwardens  Mike Beazley        873570
         Finance Manager        Peter Nield                               Anthony Sibcy       874331
         Gift Aid Secretary       Michael Hunt                Treasurer      Peter Phelps        873179
         Director of Music       Michael Oakley               PCC Secretary   John French        876142
         Custodian            Matthew Lenthall                Electoral Roll     John French        876142

         Conservation Trust Chair    Sylvia Turner            Organist       Colin Reeves        875608

         PCC                                                  Ashfords Benefice
         Churchwardens      Dick Franks     892019            Rector         Revd Lynn Money
                         Lesley Harling    318309             Parish Office      Clare Bicker-Caarten
         Deputy  Churchwardens                                                      01584 831585
                Michael Davies           07970 434822
                Carole Perrett             879406             Bromfield Benefice
         Electoral Roll Officer   Dick Franks      892019     Rector        Revd Justin Parker
         Safeguarding Officer    Dick Franks      892019      Parish Office    Grace Johnson  07493 247184

         PCC Secretary         Nicky Luck      872073

         Bible Reading        Penelope Bridstrup
           Fellowship                     876992                  COPY DEADLINE FOR THE
         Flowers            Sue Thornley     872292                          NEXT ISSUE
         Monthly Prayer       Sandi Burley     873155
              Group                                                       TUESDAY 8 JUNE
         The Table          Sandi Burley     873155           There is no guarantee that material
         Tower Captain       Richard Bracher  811514          submitted will be included.
         Ludlow Tower editor   Lesley Harling    318309
                                                              Please send articles by email to
                 Find this and previous issues      
               of the Ludlow Tower on line at

                              We are happy to receive contributions
                                                              and suggestions for inclusion in the
                                                              magazine.  Please limit items to no
                                                              more than 400 words, except by prior
                                                              agreement with the editor.

                             Parish of Ludlow Saint Laurence  Registered Charity No 1132703

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