Page 120 - Dungeon Master's Guide
P. 120



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              As adventurers travel through the air,                 SIN PLAY
             random encounters as you normally would. lgnore-.,...,,~-­
                                                               When adventurers come across a trap, you need to know
             result that indicates a non-flying monster, unless the
                                                               how the trap is triggered and what it does, as well as the
             characters are flying close enough to the ground to be
                                                               possibility for the characters to detect the trap and to
             targeted by non-flying creatures making ranged attacks.
                                                               disable or avoid it.
             Characters have normal chances to spot creatures on
             the ground and can decide whether to engage them.
                                                               TRIGGERING A  TRAP
                                                               Most traps are triggered when a creature goes
             TRAPS                                             somewhere or touches something that the trap's creator
             Traps can be found almost anywhere. One wrong step   wanted to protect. Common triggers include stepping on
             in an ancient tomb might trigger a series of scything   a pressure plate or a false section of floor, pulling a trip
             blades, which cleave through armor and bone. The   wire, turning a doorknob, and using the wrong key in a
             seemingly innocuous vines that hang over a cave   lock. Magic traps are often set to go off when a creature
             entrance might grasp and choke anyone who pushes   enters an area or touches an object. Some magic
             through them. A net hidden among the trees might drop   traps (such as the glyph of warding spell) have more
             on travelers who pass underneath. In the D&D game,   complicated trigger conditions, including a password
             unwary adventurers can fall to their deaths, be burned   that prevents the trap from activating.
             alive, or fall under a fusillade of poisoned darts.
              A trap can be either mechanical or magical in    DETECTING AND DISABLING A  TRAP
             nature. Mechanical traps include pits, arrow      Usually, some element of a trap is visible to careful
             traps, falling blocks, water-filled rooms, whirling   inspection. Characters might notice an uneven flagstone
             blades, and anything else that depends on         that conceals a pressure plate, spot the gleam of light off
             a mechanism to operate. Magic traps are either    a trip wire, notice small holes in the walls from which
             magical device traps or spell traps. Magical device   jets of flame will erupt, or otherwise detect something
             traps initiate spell effects when activated. Spell traps   that points to a trap's presence.
             are spells such as glyph of warding and symbol that   A trap's description specifies the checks and DCs
             function as traps.                                needed to detect it, disable it, or both. A character

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