Page 125 - Dungeon Master's Guide
P. 125


                   adventures. It also includes the moments   You can tie adventures together using an overarching
                  between them-the various distractions and   goal that can be fulfilled only by first completing a series
                  side pursuits that engage the characters   of related quests. For example, you could create a villain
                  when they're not exploring the wilderness,   who can't be defeated until the characters explore nine
                   plundering dungeons, and gallivanting   dungeons in which the Nine Dread Princes reside, with
         around the multiverse on some epic quest.         each of these dungeons stocked with enough monsters
           The natural pace of a campaign offers lulls between   and hazards to advance the adventurers two or three
         adventures, time for the characters to spend their   levels. The adventurers spend their whole careers
         treasure and pursue their goals. This downtime gives   fighting the Nine Dread Princes before finally pursuing   (
         the characters an opportunity to sink their roots a little   an epic quest to destroy the princes' monstrous
         deeper into the world, building a personal investment   progenitor. As long as every dungeon is unique and
         in what happens to the people and places around them,   interesting, your players will appreciate the tight focus
         which can, in turn, draw them into further adventures.   of the campaign.                               \
           Chapter 5, "Equipment," of the Player's Handbook   In a similar type of quest campaign, the adventurers
         details the expenses that a character incurs for   might need to collect fragments of an artifact that
         basic necessities, depending on the lifestyle the   are scattered in ruins across the multi verse, before
         character chooses, from poverty to luxury. Chapter   reassembling the artifact and using it to defeat a
         8, "Adventuring," of that book describes some of   cosmic threat.
         the downtime activities they can pursue between
         adventures. This chapter fills in the gaps, describing   ExAMPLE 2: AGENTS  OF X
         the expenses of owning property and hiring NPCs, and   You can also build a campaign around the idea that
         a variety of additional downtime activities characters   the adventurers are agents of something larger than
         can pursue. The beginning of the chapter also offers   themselves-a kingdom or secret organization, for
         suggestions for linking adventures together and keeping   example. Wherever their allegiance lies, the adventurers
         track of events in your campaign.                 are motivated by loyalty and the goal of protecting
                                                           whatever it is they serve.
         LINKING ADVENTURES                                  The characters' overarching mission might be to
                                                           explore and map an uncharted region, forging alliances
         A campaign in the style of an episodic television show   where they can and overcoming threats they encounter
         rarely needs story links between its adventures. Each
                                                           along the way. Their goal might be to find the ancient
         adventure features its own villains, and once the
                                                           capital of a fallen empire, which lies beyond the realm
         characters complete the adventure, there are typically   of a known enemy and forces them to navigate hostile
         no loose plot threads. The next adventure presents   territory. The characters could be pilgrims in search
         an altogether different challenge having nothing to do
                                                           of a holy site or members of a secret order dedicated
         with the adventure that preceded it. As the characters
                                                           to defending the last bastions of civilization in an ever-
         gain experience points, they become more powerful,
                                                           declining world. Or they might be spies and assassins,
         as do the threats they must overcome. This kind of
                                                           striving to weaken an enemy country by targeting its evil
         campaign is easy to run, since it requires little effort
                                                           leaders and plundering its treasures.
         beyond finding or creating adventures appropriate for
         the party's level.
                                                           PLANTING ADVENTURE  SEEDS
           A campaign with a narrative lets the players feel as
         though their actions have far-reaching consequences.   You can make a campaign feel like one story with many
         They're not just racking up experience points. A few   chapters by planting the seeds of the next adventure
         simple modifications can help you overlay overarching   before the current one is finished. This technique can
         elements to create a serialized campaign in which early   naturally moves the characters along to their next goal.
         adventures help set up later ones.                  If you've planted a seed well, the characters have
                                                           something else to do when they finish an adventure.
         USING AN  0VERARCHING STORY                       Perhaps a character drinks from a magic fountain in a
                                                           dungeon and receives a mystifying vision that leads to
         This section presents a couple of examples of
                                                           the next quest. The party might find a cryptic map or
         overarching stories which have, over the years, fueled
                                                           relic that, once its meaning or purpose is determined,
         many classic D&D campaigns.
                                                           points to a new destination. Perhaps an NPC warns
           The adventurers' goal in the first example is to amass
                                                           the characters of impending danger or implores
         the power they need to defeat a powerful enemy that
                                                           them for help.
         threatens the world. Their goal in the second example
                                                             The trick is to not distract the characters from the
         is to defend something they care about by destroying
                                                           adventure at hand. Designing an effective hook for a
         whatever threatens it. The two examples are, in effect,
                                                           future adventure requires finesse. The lure should be
         the same story (variations of the battle between good
                                                           compelling, but not so irresistible that the players stop
         and evil) told in different ways.
                                                           caring about what their characters are doing right now.
                                                                            CHAPTER 6  I BETWEEN  ADVENTURES
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