Page 79 - Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes Deluxe
P. 79


                                                                THREE RULES  OF CONDUCT
              Our three rules come from the actions of  Laduguer him-  Duergar psychology, culture, and society are predicated
              self, as he quested through the Nine Hells on his mission   on three principles set down by their god Laduguer.
              to bring glory to the duergar.                    Adherence to these precepts is now enforced by Ladugu-
               First, the devils sought to turn his greed against him.
                                                                er's chief lieutenant, Deep Duerra.
              They offered as much treasure as he could carry, thinking
              that he would take too much and collapse in exhaustion.
                                                                OUR POCKETS ARE NEVER FULL
              Instead, Laduguer used his cunning magic to twist his
                                                                The duergar are fueled in all their actions by two per-
              pockets into bottomless pits, so that there was no limit to
              the treasure he could carry.                      vasive feelings: ambition that never flags and greed that
               Then, in their frustration at his stratagem, the devils fell   can never be satisfied. Though they might scheme and
              upon him with claw and blade. They didn't understand   plot at great lengths to gain treasure or prestige, success
              that with each treasure he claimed, L aduguer's will to win   is never a cause for celebration. Each acquisition, once
              grew stronger and stronger. With so much to fight for,  he   in hand, is like a meal that quickly loses its appeal, leav-
              lashed out and broke the backs of Hell's legions.   ing the duergar hungry for more. No matter how much
               Finally, Asmodeus confronted Laduguer. The Lord of   wealth or power they gain, it's never enough.
              the Nine laughed, joked, and cajoled with all his guile, but
              Laduguer remained grim and stoic, refusing to be affected   OUR FIGHT ls NEVER DONE
             even when the mightiest celestials might have admitted   As duergar acquire treasure and prestige, they need
             some grudging amusement at the devil's antics. Laduguer   to become ever mightier to hold on to what they have.
             was resolute because he wanted one final treasure: the
             allegiance of Hell  in the coming war against the mind   When the duergar wage war on other races, they demon-
                                                                strate that the weak aren't fit to possess that which is
             flayers. Asmodeus offered a world's worth of  other temp-
             tations, but L aduguer's countenance never changed. Even   meant for the strong. And to the duergar, no creatures
             when Asmodeus relented at last, Laduguer accepted the   are more unworthy of holding wealth than dwarves.
             arrangement as nothing less than his due and refused to   When duergar have an opportunity to strike at dwarves.
             display any reaction.                              especially in their strongholds, they fight with utmost vi-
               Thus did Laduguer deliver the three rules that govern   ciousness and cunning, matching the value of the spoils
             our people. These principles liberated our people from the   to be gained with the intensity of their onslaught.
             illithids, and to this day they keep us strong.
                          - Felstak Goldgrief, Tyrant of  Goethelskar   OUR RESOLVE ls NEVER SHAKEN
                                                                Any show of weakness is a mortal sin among the du-
                                                                ergar, and that stricture extends to personal conduct
                                                                as well as to the workings of a duergar clan. Displays

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