Page 272 - Eberron -Rising from the Last War_Neat
P. 272
occupant knows what Martisha Kullandra knows about Corrin Delmaco is a male lightfoot halfling who works
Garra (see area T4a). for the Boromar Clan. The halfiing tried to infiltrate
Daask and was captured. He is being held in the hideout
APAR M E N T OCC P A N T S while Daask agents torture him for information.
dl2 Occupants Corrin is a lawful evil spy with the following changes:
1-6 No current occup n ts He is Small, has a hit point maximum of 21 (6d6), and
7-9 A family of l d 4 commoners has 10 hit points remaining.
10 A shifter (see chapter 6) He has the following racial traits: He can move
through the space of a Medium or larger creature. He
1 1 A warforged soldier (see chapter 6) has advantage on saving throws against being fright
1 2 A changeling (see chapter 6) ened. He speaks Common, Halfling, and thieves' cant.
Corrin claims to have no idea why Daask abducted
This stone skybridge connects the tenement building him and begs for the characters to free him. A character
to the building containing the lift. A Daask harpy and a who succeeds on a Wisdom (Insight) check contested by
group of ld4 commoners loiter on the bridge when the Corrin's Charisma (Deception) check knows the halfling
characters arrive. The commoners pose no threat, but is lying. If pressed, Corrin admits his connection to the
the harpy attacks the characters on sight, using her Lur Boromar Clan, and tells the characters it would be mean
ing Song to bring them to her if they flee. a lot to the powerful halfling family if they freed him.
A character can untie Corrin from the chair as an ac
T7. GRAFFITI HALL tion. Corrin then flees the scene and tells the Boromars
of his rescuers, which could lead to more adventures
(see "Conclusion" at the end of this chapter).
I M E!" adorn the walls and ceili ng. This lift connects Terminus Station with the higher lev
This stone hall is covered in graffiti. Crude paintings and
phrases such as "TYRANTS RU LE!" and "CYRANS GO
els of the Terminus district.
A hidden door with a peephole in this hall connects to Tll. BODEGA
a Daask hideout (area T8). A character with a passive
Wisdom (Perception) score of 15 or higher notices the A small bell above the door rings as you enter this store.
peephole and the outline of the door.
A Daask shifter operative in area T8 watches the hall Its many shelves are packed with bottled drinks, pack
through the peephole. If the shifter notices the charac aged food that is ready to eat, souvenirs, and newspa
ters, the creatures in area T8 open the door and attack. pers. A kenku wearing spectacles and standing behind a
counter says, "Buy something, will ya?" in a n old wom
an's voice.
I This store sells is run by Gurty, an elderly kenku. If the
This room reeks of urine and body odor. The floor is cov
ered in empty liquor bottles, food waste, and old copies
characters ask Gurty about Garra, the kenku mimics
of the Sharn Inquisitive.
the half-ogre's voice, saying, "My coach is leaving soon.
Two Daask operatives, a chaotic neutral shifter named T Hurry it up, or I'll pluck ya, stupid bird."
Bartram (see chapter 6) and his worg companion are A commoner in the livery of House Orien works in
stationed here. Bartram and the worg are surly and this area, selling tickets through a small opening in a
never shy away from a fight. That said, they will happily glass window to people on the platform. The door to the
leave the party alone if handed a bribe of 10 gp or more. booth is locked from the inside. Money collected from
ticket sales is placed in a small slot in a magic floor safe
that can only be opened by a dwarf bearing the Mark
of Warding.
A groaning half i ng is tied to a wood chair in the center
of this room, his shirt stained with blood and sweat, and
The bathroom contains six stalls, each with a toilet,
his head covered in a canvas bag.
and a 3-foot-high pillar at the center of the room with a
cleansing stone (see chapter 5) embedded in its top.
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