Page 276 - Eberron -Rising from the Last War_Neat
P. 276


                                                 TREAS U R E S

                      life of Khorvaire. Common magic items
                      are widespread, and the crystals known   The world of Eberron thrums with the power of magic.
                      as dragonshards serve as the fuel of the   Artificers, magewrights, wizards, and other spellcast­
                      magical economy and are used in items that   ers produce an abundance of magic items, particularly
            amplify the powers of dragonmarks.                those with the common rarity.
            D R AGONS H A R D S                               MAGIC IT M   D E S C RIPTIONS
                                                              This section presents a selection of magic items in al­
            Dragonshards aren't magic items themselves but are
            crystals imbued with magical energy. They play a vital   phabetical order. See the Dungeon Master's Guide for
            role in the creation of magic items and the performance   the rules on using magic items.
            of certain rituals in Eberron.  Dragonshards come in   Some of the magic items in this chapter are symbiotic
            three varieties, each found in a different environment.   objects created by the daelkyr. While not fully sentient,
              Eberron dragonshards are found in shallow soil   these symbiotic items are partially organic. Attuning to
            and often encased in geode-like stone shells. Eberron   such an item reflects physically bonding with it. While
            dragonshards can be found almost anywhere, but the   these objects aren't evil, some people might be dis­
            most significant deposits have been discovered in jungle   turbed upon seeing your living armor or tentacle whip!
            environments, notably Q'barra and Xen'drik. In their
            raw form, Eberron dragonshards are rosy crystals with
            crimson swirls fl.owing in their depths and are typically
            refined into a glowing powder. This dragonshard dust
            can be used to fuel almost any act of magic. When cast­
            ing a spell, you can use Eberron dragonshard dust in
            place of any spell component that has a cost, unless the
            DM says otherwise (the dust's market value is the same
            as the replaced component). Eberron dragonshard dust
            is used in the creation of some magic items, and many
            powerful tools-such as the lightning rail and elemental
            airships-require an ongoing expenditure of Eberron
            dragonshards to maintain their enchantments.
              Khyber dragonshards are found deep in the earth,
            often near layers of magma. These crystals typically
            grow on cavern walls, and superstition says they flour­
            ish in areas with significant fiendish activity. Khyber
            dragonshards are deep blue or dark violet, laced with
            gleaming veins. Khyber dragonshards have an affinity
            for binding magics. Elemental binding-which is behind
            airships, the lightning rail, and elemental galleons­
            requires a Khyber dragonshard to hold the elemental.
            Khyber shards are used for phylacteries, planar binding,
            and other effects that trap or manipulate spirits. Khyber
            dragonshards can also be used for necromantic rites.
              Siberys dragonshards fall from the Ring of Siberys,
            the ring of crystals that encircles the world. While rare
            in Khorvaire, there are significant Siberys dragonshard
            fields in the continent of Xen'drik, and this is a potential
            source of great wealth for explorers. Siberys dragon­
            shards are amber in color, with swirling golden veins
            gleaming within. These dragonshards are used in the
            crafting of magic items that require dragonmarks for
            attunement. Larger ones may be required for eldritch
            machines or the creation of legendary items or artifacts.

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