Page 134 - Dungeon Master's Guide
P. 134

GEMSTONES                                         500  GP  GEMSTONES
           If a treasure hoard includes gemstones, you can use   d6   Stone Description
           the following tables to randomly determine the kind
                                                                     Alexandrite  (transparent dark green)
           of gemstones found, based on their value. You can roll
                                                                 2   Aquamarine (transparent pale blue-green)
           once and assume all the gems are the same, or roll
                                                                 3   Black pearl  (opaque pure black)
           multiple times to create mixed collections of gemstones.
                                                                4    Blue spinel  (transparent deep blue)
                                                                 5   Peridot (transparent rich olive green)
           10  GP  GEMSTONES
                                                                 6   Topaz  (transparent golden yellow)
              dl2   Stone Description
                   Azurite  (opaque mottled deep blue)
                                                             1,000 GP  GEMSTONES
               2   Banded agate (translucent striped brown, blue,
                   white, or red)                               d8   Stone Description
               3   Blue quartz (transparent pale blue)               Black opal  (translucent dark green with  black
              4    Eye agate (translucent circles of gray, white, brown,   mottling and golden flecks)
                   blue, or green)                               2   Blue sapphire (transparent blue-white to medium
               5   Hematite (opaque gray-black)                      blue)
               6   Lapis  lazuli  (opaque light and dark blue with yellow   3   Emerald  (transparent deep bright green)
                   flecks)                                      4    Fire opal  (translucent fiery  red)
               7   Malachite  (opaque striated light and dark green)   5   Opal  (translucent pale blue with green and golden
               8   Moss agate (translucent pink or yellow-white with   mottling)
                   mossy gray or green markings)                 6   Star ruby  (translucent ruby with white star-shaped
               9   Obsidian  (opaque black)                          center)
              10   Rhodochrosite (opaque light pink)             7   Star sapphire (translucent blue sapphire with white
              11   Tiger eye  (translucent brown with golden center)   star-shaped center)
              12   Turquoise (opaque light blue-green)           8   Yellow sapphire (transparent fiery yellow or yellow·
           50  GP  GEMSTONES
                                                             5,000 GP  GEMSTONES
              dl2   Stone Description
               1   Bloodstone  (opaque dark gray with  red flecks)   d4   Stone Description
               2   Carnelian  (opaque orange to red-brown)           Black sapphire (translucent lustrous black with
               3   Chalcedony (opaque white)                         glowing highlights)
               4   Chrysoprase (translucent green)               2   Diamond  (transparent blue-white, canary, pink,
               5   Citrine  (transparent pale yellow-brown)          brown, or blue)
               6   Jasper (opaque blue, black, or brown)         3   jacinth  (transparent fiery orange)
               7   Moonstone (translucent white with  pale blue glow)   4   Ruby  (transparent clear red to deep crimson)
               8   Onyx  (opaque bands of black and white, or pure
                   black or white)                           ART OBJECTS
                                                             If a treasure hoard includes art objects, you can use the
               9   Quartz (transparent white, smoky gray,  or yellow)
                                                             following tables to randomly determine what art objects
              10   Sardonyx (opaque bands of red  and white)
                                                             are found, based on their value. Roll on a table as many
              11   Star rose quartz (translucent rosy stone with white
                                                             times as there are art objects in the treasure hoard.
                   star-shaped center)
                                                             There can be more than one of a given art object.
              12   Zircon  (transparent pale blue-green)
                                                             25  GP ART OBJECTS
           100 GP GEMSTONES
                                                                dlO   Object
              dl 0   Stone Description                               Silver ewer
                   Amber (transparent watery gold to rich  gold)   2   Carved  bone statuette
               2   Amethyst (transparent deep purple)            3   Small gold bracelet
               3   Chrysoberyl  (transparent yellow-green to pale   4   Cloth-of-gold vestments
                   green)                                        5   Black velvet mask stitched with silver thread
              4    Coral  (opaque crimson)                       6   Copper chalice with silver filigree
               5   Garnet (transparent red,  brown-green, or violet)   7   Pair of engraved bone dice
               6   jade (translucent light green, deep green , or white)   8   Small  mirror set in  a painted wooden frame
               7   jet (opaque deep black)                       9   Embroidered silk handkerchief
               8   Pearl  (opaque lustrous white, yellow, or pink)   10   Gold  locket with a painted portrait inside
               9   Spinel  (transparent red,  red-brown, or deep green)
              10   Tourmaline (transparent pale green , blue, brown,
                   or red)

           CHAPTER 7  I TREASURE
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