Page 135 - Dungeon Master's Guide
P. 135
dlO Object
Magic items are gleaned from the hoards of conquered
Gold ring set with bloodstones monsters or discovered in long-lost vaults. Such
2 Carved ivory statuette items grant capabilities a character could rarely
3 Large gold bracelet have otherwise, or they complement their owner's
4 Silver necklace with a gemstone pendant capabilities in wondrous ways.
5 Bronze crown
6 Silk robe with gold embroidery
7 Large well-made tapestry Each magic item has a rarity: common, uncommon,
8 Brass mug with jade inlay rare, very rare, or legendary. Common magic items,
9 Box of turquoise animal figurines such as a potion of healing, are the most plentiful. Some
10 Gold bird cage with electrum filigree legendary items, such as the apparatus of Kwalish, are
unique. The game assumes that the secrets of creating
the most powerful items arose centuries ago and were
then gradually lost as a result of wars, cataclysms, and
dlO Object mishaps. Even uncommon items can't be easily created.
Silver chalice set with moonstones Thus, many magic items are well-preserved antiquities.
2 Silver-plated steellongsword with jet set in hilt Rarity provides a rough measure of an item's power
3 Carved harp of exotic wood with ivory inlay and relative to other magic items. Each rarity corresponds
to character level, as shown in the Magic Item Rarity .
zircon gems
table. A character doesn't typically find a rare magic
4 Small gold idol
item, for example, until around 5th level. That said,
5 Gold dragon comb set with red garnets as eyes
rarity shouldn't get in the way of your campaign's story.
6 Bottle stopper cork embossed with gold leaf and
If you want a ring of invisibility to fall into the hands of
set with amethysts
a 1st-level character, so be it. No doubt a great story will
7 Ceremonial electrum dagger wit~ a black pearl in
arise from that event.
the pommel If your campaign allows for trade in magic items,
8 Silver and gold brooch rarity can also help you set prices for them. As the DM,
9 Obsidian statuette with gold fittings and inlay you determine the value of an individual magic item
10 Painted gold war mask based on its rarity. Suggested values are provided in
the Magic Item Rarity table. The value of a consumable
item, such as a potion or scroll, is typically half the value
of a permanent item of the same rarity.
dlO Object
1 Fine gold chain set with a fire opal
2 Old masterpiece painting
Rarity Character Level Value
3 Embroidered silk and velvet mantle set with
Common 1st or higher 50-100 gp
numerous moonstones
Uncommon 1st or higher 101-500 gp
4 Platinum bracelet set with a sapphire
Rare 5th or higher 501 -5,000 gp
5 Embroidered glove set with jewel chips
Very rare 11th or higher 5,001 - 50,000 gp
6 jeweled anklet
Legendary 17th or higher 50,001+ gp
7 Gold music box
8 Gold circlet set with four aquamarines
9 Eye patch with a mock eye set in blue sapphire and
moonstone Unless you decide your campaign works otherwise,
10 A necklace string of small pink pearls most magic items are so rare that they aren't available
for purchase. Common items, such as a potion of
healing, can be procured from an alchemist, herbalist,
or spellcaster. Doing so is rarely as simple as walking
d8 Object into a shop and selecting an item from a shelf. The seller
Jeweled gold crown might ask for a service, rather than coin.
2 jeweled platinum ring In a large city with an academy of magic or a major
3 Small gold statuette set with rubies temple, buying and selling magic items might be
4 Gold cup set with emeralds possible, at your discretion. If your world includes a
5 Gold jewelry box with platinum filigree large number of adventurers engaged in retrieving
ancient magic items, trade in these items might be more
6 Painted gold child's sarcophagus
common. Even so, it's likely to remain similar to the
7 jade game board with solid gold playing pieces
market for fine art in the real world, with invitation-only
8 Bejeweled ivory drinking horn with gold filigree
auctions and a tendency to attract thieves.
Selling magic items is difficult in most D&D worlds
primarily because of the challenge of finding a buyer.
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