Page 284 - Eberron -Rising from the Last War_Neat
P. 284


                                          FR E N D S   A N D   FO S
                     from the Last War, rumors spread of the   B E S T I A R Y
                     alien daelkyr, the Emerald Claw, the Lord of   The following pages feature stat blocks for various crea­
                     Blades, and other threats growing in power   tures of Eberron, arranged in alphabetical order. For
                     across the world. This chapter provides stat   guidance on how to use a creature's stat block, consult
             blocks for many of the creatures that can play a role in   the introduction of the Monster Manual.
             an Eberron campaign, including enemies that might
             overrun a town, powerful entities threatening all Khor­  DA L K R
             vaire, and NPCs that can serve as either friends or foes.
              The chapter's monsters appear first in a bestiary.   The daelkyr are the lords  f  madness and the emissar­
             They're followed by a collection of generic NPCs-vari­  ies of Xoriat, who invaded Eberron with a host of mind
             ous people who can populate your Eberron adventures.   flayers, beholders, and other foul aberrations. Wherever
              Remember that few intelligent creatures in Eberron   they walked, the daelkyr reshaped the world in their
             are inherently evil. Even dragons, which on other worlds   image, sowing madness and creating monsters. They
             are associated with certain alignments, choose their   fused goblins together to create the gibbering dolgrims
             own paths. The adventure ideas and encounter tables in   and crafted the blind dolgaunts from hobgoblin stock.
             chapter 4 offer abundant examples of monsters behav­  The goblinoid champions of Dhakaan fought fiercely.
             ing in ways that aren't traditionally monstrous.   But in the end, it was the ore Gatekeeper druids who
                                                               closed the portals to Xoriat and drove the daelkyr into
             STAT BL C K S   BY  R EATURE T Y PE               Khyber. The Gatekeepers crafted seals to hold both the
                                                               power of Xoriat and the daelkyr at bay, and as long as
             Here are the creatures in this chapter sorted by   those seals remain intact, the lords of madness can't
             creature type.
                                                               rise from the depths. Today, those seals are thousands
                                                               of years old and the Gatekeepers are all but forgotten.
             A  B E R RA I O  N     FEY
                                                               Mind flayers scheme in the sewers of Sham, and cultists
             Belashyrra             Dusk hag
                                                               beseech beholder priests for the blessings of Belashy­
             Doi gaunt              Valenar hawk               rra, the Lord of Eyes. And in the shadows of Khyber, the
             Doi grim               Valenar hound              daelkyr are waiting.
             Dyrrn                  Valenar steed
             Hashalaq  u ori                                    TH E Six DAELKYR
                                    FI E N  D
             Kalaraq quori                                      Six daelkyr are known on Eberron through their cults and
             Tsucora quori                                      legends: Belashyrra and Dyrrn, who are detailed in this
                                    Rak Tulkhesh                chapter, and the four described below. Other daelkyr surely
             BEAST                  Sul Khatesh                 lurk in the depths of Khyber.
             Clawfoot               Zakya rakshasa                Avassh. The Twister of Roots devotes its attentions to
             Fastieth                                           plants. Avassh is said to be the source of sham bling
                                    H  U  M  A  N  O  I D       mounds and myconids, but any unnatural and deadly veg­
             CELESTIAL              Bone knight                 etation might be its work.
                                                                  K y rzin. The cults of the Prince of Slime are based in the
             Radiant idol           Changeling                  Shadow Marches and are  n famous for cultivating gibber­
             CO N  S T R U  C T                                 ing beasts. Kyrzin creates sentient slimes that can enter
                                    Kalashtar                   humanoid bodies.  n   some tales, these creatures control
             Expeditious messenger
                                    Lord of Blades              their hosts, while in others, they are parasites that burn
             I r on defender                                    their way out of the  body when it's time to strike.
                                    M  a gewright
             Living burning hands                                 Orlassk. The Master of Stone is said to have created
             Living cloudkill                                   basilisks, medusas, gorgons, cockatrices, and other mon­
                                    Tarkanan assass n
             Living lightning bolt                              strosities and aberrations with the power of petrification.
                                    Warforged soldier           Orlassk's citadel is carved i n to the body of a gargantuan
            Warforged colossus
                                                                gargoyle that roams the chasms of Khyber.
            Warforged titan         U  N    DEAD                  V a laara. The Crawling Queen works  its will on  i n sects,
                                    Karrnathi undead soldier    arachnids, and other vermin. Swarms with malign sen­
                                    Lady lllmarrow              tience, worms that consume victims from within, cultists
                                                                that slowly become insects-all of these delight Valaara.
                                    Undying councilor
                                    Undying soldier
                                                                                  C  H  APTER 6  I  FRIENDS AND FOES
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