Page 288 - Eberron -Rising from the Last War_Neat
P. 288
DYRRN Dyrrn most often appears as a tall humanoid male
with pale skin, clad in a heavy cassock of interwoven
Dyrrn is known to its followers as the Corruptor, the black leather that slithers unsettlingly around the
Stealer of Thoughts, the Slithering Lord, and the Foul daelkyr's form. Dyrrn can extend tentacles from its
Labyrinth. In the lore of the Gatekeepers, it is said that body, using them to extract the brains of others.
Dyrrn plants thoughts in the weak minded-the seeds
of terrible ideas that fester and grow. Those who are DYRRN's LAIR
particularly brilliant often draw the attention of the Foul Dyrrn makes its lair in the Palace of Sinew, a horrid site
Labyrinth, which hungers to consume unique minds. shaped from the leftover flesh and bones of the daelkyr's
T w isting Flesh and T h ought. The mind flayers of sculpting. The walls of the palace undulate as air flows
Eberron know Dyrrn as the Overmind, and it serves as through them, as if the space were breathing.
the cornerstone of their collective consciousness. Of all Lair Actions. While within the Palace of Sinew,
the daelkyr, the Corruptor is the most adept at twisting Dyrrn can invoke the ambient magic to take lair actions.
minds and bodies to create monsters. It was Dyrrn who On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Dyrrn can
turned goblinoid prisoners into the first dolgaunts and take a lair action to cause one of the following effects; it
dolgrims, creating the legions that would savage the can't use the same effect two rounds in a row:
nations of Khorvaire. Dyrrn is also a prolific creator of
symbionts-treasures that tempt people to bind alien en Dyrrn uses its Corruption action.
tities to their flesh. • A 30-foot-square area of ground within 120 feet of
Dyrrn's Cults. Dyrrn's lair touches the Eldeen Dyrrn sprouts tentacles until initiative count 20 on the
Reaches, and the druids of the Towering Wood are al next round. Any creature that starts or ends its turn
ways watching for Dyrrn's influence. At the start of the in the area must succeed on a DC 23 Strength saving
Last War, the dwarves of the Mror Holds discovered throw or be restrained. A creature can escape the ten
passages to the daelkyr's realm below their halls, and tacles with a successful DC 23 Strength (Athletics) or
Dyrrn's cults have spread from there. Dexterity (Acrobatics) 'check as an action.
Mind flayers often work with Dyrrn's cults, many of • Each creature of Dyrrn's choice that it can see within
which are obsessed with evolution-through the use of 120 feet of it must succeed on a DC 23 Wisdom saving
symbionts or by becoming an aberration. Those who throw or take 26 (4dl2) psychic damage. Unless the
worship the Stealer of Thoughts believe that Dyrrn will target has immunity to psychic damage, its Intelli
consume all sentient beings, except for its servants. gence score is reduced by ld4 each time it fails the