Page 281 - Eberron -Rising from the Last War_Neat
P. 281

                                                            W o ndrous item,  uncommon
                                                            When mounted at the helm of an elemental galleon or
                                                            airship, this wheel allows a creature that possesses the
                                                            Mark of Storm to telepathically control the elemental
                                                            bound inside the vessel.
                                                              If a w h eel of wind and water is mounted on a mun­
                                                            dane sailing ship, a creature with the Mark of Storm
                                                            who is using the wheel can create an area of ideal
                                                            conditions around the vessel, increasing its speed by 5
                                                            miles per hour.
                                                            E L DRITCH MA H I N E S
                                                            I n   a Cannith enclave, a team of artificers maintain a
                                                            creation forge that produces warforged. In the Shadow
                                                            Marches, druids guard the seals that hold the daelkyr
                                                            at bay. In the sewers below Sham, a mad necromancer
                                                            puts the final touches on a device that will turn the
                                                            city's residents into undead. Such contraptions are
                                                            categorized as eldritch machines-magical devices of
                                                            immense power that are too large to be moved easily. El­
                                                            dritch machines are marvels of magic and engineering
                                                            that require special components and conditions to func­
                                                            tion. For example, a particular eldritch machine might
                                                            function only in a manifest zone where two or more
                                                            planes are coterminous.
                                                              Ultimately, eldritch machines are plot devices that can
                                                            represent the culmination of a villain's master plan or a
                                                            last defense against evil.

                                                            CREATION FORGE
                                                            A creation forge is a spherical chamber that contains a
                                                            floating obelisk. This obelisk creates warforged souls
                                                            and places them in newly constructed warforged bodies.
                                                            Only dragonmarked members of House Cannith can
                                                            create and maintain such devices, and though the Treaty
                                                            of Thronehold mandated the destruction of all creation
                                                            forges in Khorvaire after the Last War, at least one cre­
                                                            ation forge is rumored to exist in the bowels of Sham.
                                                            DIMENSIONAL SEAL
                                                            A dimensional seal is a massive stone slab covered with
                                                            a complex pattern of runes and sigils. The seal projects
                                                            an invisible field in a 2-mile radius. This field blocks
                                                            all forms of conjuration magic and any other effect that
                                                            involves teleportation or planar travel. Dimensional
                                                            seals are usually found in the Eldeen Reaches and the
                                                            Shadow Marches-reminders of the conflict between
                                                            the Gatekeepers and the daelkyr. The techniques used
                                                            to create these seals have been long lost. It's said that as
                                                            a whole, the dimensional seals keep the daelkyr bound
                                                            in Khyber and prevent Xoriat from becoming cotermi­
                                                            nous with Eberron. If enough of these seals are de­
                                                            stroyed, there could be dire consequences for the world.
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