Page 278 - Eberron -Rising from the Last War_Neat
P. 278

As a bonus action, you can sheathe the whip by caus­  and can immediately use the goggles to cast locate
             ing it to retract into your arm, or draw the whip out of   creature to find that creature. This property can't be
             your arm again.                                    used again until the next dawn.
              Symbiotic N a ture.  The whip can't be removed from
             you while you're attuned to it, and you can't voluntarily   GLAMERWEAVE
             end your attunement to it. If you're targeted by a spell   W o ndrous item, common or uncommon
             that ends a curse, your attunement to the whip ends,   Glamerweave is clothing imbued with harmless illusory
             and it detaches from you.                         magic. While wearing the common version of these
                                                               clothes, you can use a bonus action to create a moving
             EARWORM                                          illusory pattern within the cloth.
             W o ndrous item,  uncommon (r equires attunement)   Uncommon glamerweave can have the pattern rise
             To attune to this symbiont, you must hold it against the   from the cloth. For example, a glamerweave gown might
             skin behind your ear for the entire attunement period,   be wreathed in harmless, illusory flames, while a glam­
             whereupon it burrows into your head and bonds to your   erweave hat might have illusory butterflies fluttering
             skull. While the earworm is inside you, you can speak,   around it.
             read, and write Deep Speech.                       When you make a Charisma (Performance) or Cha­
              Spells. The earworm has 4 charges. You can cast   risma (Persuasion) check while wearing the uncommon
             the following spells from it, expending the necessary   version of glamerweave, you can roll a d4 and add the
             number of charges (spell save DC 15): detect thoughts   number rolled to the check. Once you use this property,
             (2 charges) or dissonant w h ispers (1  charge). Each time   it can't be used again until the  next dawn.
            you use the earworm to cast the detect thoughts spell, it
             sends the information gleaned to the nearest daelkyr, or   IMBUED Woon Focus
             to the next nearest earworm until it reaches a daelkyr.   W o ndrous item,  common (r equires attunement)
              The earworm regains ld4 expended charges        An imbued wood focus is a rod, staff, or wand cut from
             daily at dawn.                                   a tree infused with extraplanar energy. If you're a spell­
              Symbiotic N a ture.  The earworm can't be removed   caster, you can use this orb as a spellcasting focus.
            from you while you're attuned to it, and you can't volun­  When you cast a damage-dealing spell using this item
            tarily end your attunement to it. If you're targeted by a   as your spellcasting focus, you gain a +1 bonus to one
             spell that ends a curse, your attunement to the earworm   damage roll of the spell, provided the damage is of the
            ends, and it exits your body.                     type associated with the item's wood. The types of wood
                                                              and their associated damage types are listed in the Im­
                                                              bued Wood Focus table.
             W o ndrous item, common
            This bullseye lantern contains an Eberron dragonshard   I M  B U E D   Wo o   Foc s
            that sheds light comparable to that produced by a con­  Wood        Damage Type
            tinual flame spell. An everbright lantern sheds light in a   Fernian Ash   Fire
             120-foot cone; the closest 60 feet is bright light, and the
            farthest 60 feet is dim light.                     lrian Rosewood   Radiant
                                                               Kythrian Manchineel   Acid or poison
            FEATHER TOKEN                                      Lamannian Oak    Lightning or thunder
             W o ndrous item, common                           M  a baran Ebony   Necrotic
             This small metal disk is inscribed with the image of a   Risian Pine   Cold
            feather. When you fall at least 20 feet while the token   Shavarran Birch   Force
            is on your person, you descend 60 feet per round and   Xorian Wenge   Psychic
            take no damage from falling. The token's magic is ex­
            pended after you land, whereupon the disk becomes   KEYCHARM
            nonmagical.                                       W o ndrous item, common (r equires attunement by a
                                                              creature with the Mark of W a rding)
            FINDER'S GOGGLES
            W o ndrous item,  uncommon (r equires attunement b y  a   This small stylized key plays a vital role in the work of
                                                              House Kundarak. If you cast the alarm, arcane lock, or
            creature with the Mark of  i nding)
                                                              glyph of  a rding spell, you can tie the effect to the key­
            The lenses of these garish goggles are carved from Si­  charm so that whoever holds it receives the notification
            berys dragonshards. While wearing these lenses, you   from the alarm spell, bypasses the lock of the arcane
            gain the following benefits:                      Jock spell, or avoids triggering the glyph placed by the
              When you make a Wisdom (Insight) check, you can   glyph of w a rding spell. In addition, the holder (who
              roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the check.   needn't be attuned to the item) can take an action to end
              As an action, you can use the goggles to examine an   any one spell tied to it, provided the holder knows the
              object to identify the aura of the last creature that   command word you set for ending the tied spells. The
              touched it. Make a Wisdom (Insight) check against a   keycharm can have up to three tied spells at one time.
              DC of  3   + the number of days since the last contact
              occurred. On a success, you learn the creature's type

                                                                                        CHAPTER 5  I TREASURES
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