Page 303 - Eberron -Rising from the Last War_Neat
P. 303

O V E R L O R D S                                 RAK T U L K H E S H
         In the first days of the world, the children of Khyber rose   Called the Rage  f  War, Rak Tulkhesh  s   the incarnation
         from the darkness to reign over Eberron. The greatest   of impulses that drives many mortals to battle. Fear,
         among them were the overlords, who held dominion   greed, hatred-these are seeds that the Rage of War
         over a world of fear, war, and death until the children of   sows in the hopes of producing a bloody harvest.
         Eberron and Siberys rose up against them. Armies of   Rak Tulkhesh typically takes the form of a vaguely
         dragons fought against the fiends of Khyber. And though   draconic creature twisted by demonic rage. Covered
         the overlords couldn't be destroyed, the couatl sacrificed   in iron spikes protruding from his bleeding flesh, this
         their lives to build a prison of celestial light: a silver   overlord looms fifteen feet high at the shoulders, and his
         flame that bound the overlords in Khyber once more.   wings span over forty feet. While in combat, Rak Tulk­
         These bonds have held for countless generations, but   hesh roars in rage as new weapons are spawned from
         the overlords still yearn to break free and reclaim the   his body, called forth by the Rage of War to slaughter all
         world above.                                      who dare stand before him.
           As long as the overlords are bound by the Silver   Khyber Shards.  Rak Tulkhesh's soul is divided
         Flame, they can't physically manifest in the world. But   among a group of Khyber shards spread through the un­
         each overlord embodies a particular aspect of evil,   derworld and is confined to those shards by the light of
         which grows in strength as their servants-the fiends   the Silver Flame. While shattered and bound, the Rage
         known as the Lords of Dust-scheme to unleash their   of War can't bring his full power to bear on the world.
         ancient masters. The overlords gain strength when mor­  But he can influence events in the vicinity of any of his
         tals embrace the dark paths laid down for them. And as   shards, drawing power from acts of violence.
         they grow stronger, they gain more influence.       The Last War was a boon that allowed Rak Tulkhesh
           Some thirty overlords are bound in Khyber. T w o are   to darken the hearts of soldiers and civilians alike,
         described here: Rak Tulkhesh and Sul Khatesh, both of   whose actions then weakened the overlord's bonds to
         whom remain imprisoned and can't take physical form.   give him even greater sway over the regions surround­
         The stat blocks provided here reflect the powers they   ing his shards. The violence seen in Thaliost and other
         would wield if they were ever unleashed upon the world.   occupied cities, the hatred against warforged and Cyran
           I m  mortal N a ture. An overlord doesn't require air,   refugees, the calls for a return to war-all these things
         food, drink or sleep. It also can't die permanently. Upon   bear the mark of Rak Tulkhesh's malign influence.
         its death, it reforms elsewhere in the multiverse and be­  M i nions of Rak  T u lkhesh. Any organization that
         comes active again at a time set by the DM.       fosters hatred unwittingly serves Rak Tulkhesh, and
                                                           countless soldiers in the Five Nations are devoted to

         C  H  APTER 6  I  FRIENDS AND  FOES
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