Page 304 - Eberron -Rising from the Last War_Neat
P. 304

the Rage of War. Many of the Carrion Tribes of the De­  forces they are dealing with, or recognize the danger
              mon Wastes likewise serve Rak Tulkhesh and yearn to   inherent in her gifts.
              carry his bloody banner into the soft lands of the south.   T h e Queen of Shadows. An entity of shadow, Sul
              The minotaurs of Droaam revere Rak Tulkhesh as the   Khatesh can assume any form. Her favored shape is
              Horned Prince. But the most powerful of the overlord's   a twelve-foot-tall humanoid figure draped in a flow­
              follower's is the rakshasa Mordakhesh the Shadow­  ing, hooded robe formed of swirling mist and cling­
              sword-Rak Tulkhesh's exarch among the Lords of    ing shadow.
              Dust, who commands a host of fiends exerting the over­  M  i n ions. Most of Sul Khatesh's followers are wizards
              lord's will  across Khorvaire.                    and warlocks, and she is one of the primary patrons for
                                                                warlocks in Khorvaire. Covens devoted to the Queen of
              SUL KHA E S H                                     Shadows use dark magic and fear to dominate whole
                                                                communities, while isolated warlocks make pacts with
              Sul Khatesh  s   known  s   the Keeper  f  Secrets and the
              Queen of Shadows. She embodies the fears and super­  Sul Khatesh to pursue power and revenge. By sharing
              stitions surrounding magic, from malevolent warlocks   her power in this way, the overlord perpetuates the im­
              to mad wizards, from deadly curses to magical power   age of the evil warlock, inciting fear that strengthens the
              that draws those who wield it deeper into darkness.   Keeper of Secrets even more.
               Sul Khatesh is subtler than the Rage of War. She em­  Sul Khatesh's chief agent among the Lords of Dust
              powers warlocks and whispers secrets into the minds of   is the rakshasa Hektula, who serves as the librarian in
              wizards and artificers, helping them master spells and   the demonic citadel of Ashtakala. Known as the First
              create relics they could never shape on their own. But   Scribe, Hektula presides over an immense trove of ar­
              few of those inspired by Sul Khatesh understand what   cane knowledge and artifacts.

              RAK TuLKHESH                                      ACTIO  N S
              Huge fiend, neutral evil                          Multiattack_  Rak Tulkhesh makes four weapon attacks.
              Armor Class 23  (natural armor; 25 versus ranged attacks)   Spawned Melee Weapon. Melee Weapon Attack: +1 7 to hit,
              Hit Points 478 (33d12 + 264)                      reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 28 (3dl2 +  9) force damage.
              Speed 40 ft., cli m  b   40 ft., fly 80 ft.
                                                                Spawned Ranged Weapon. Ranged Weapon Attack: +1 2 to hit,
                                                                range  5 0/600 ft., one target. Hit:  7   (3d8 + 4) force damage.
                STR    DEX    CON      INT    WIS    CHA
               29 (+9)   1 9   (+4)   27 (+8)   21  (+5)   22 (+6)   26 (+8)   Change Shape.  Rak Tul k hesh magically polymorphs into a hu­
                                                                manoid, beast, or giant that has a challenge rating no higher
              Saving Throws Str +17, Con +1 6, Wis +14, Cha +16   than his own, or back into his true form. He reverts to his true
              Skills Athletics +17, Intimidation +16, Perception +14   form if he dies. Any equipment he is wearing or carrying is ab­
              Damage Resistances cold, fire,  lightning         sorbed or borne by the new form (his choice).
              Damage Immunities poison; bludgeoning, piercing, and   In a new form,  Rak Tulkhesh retains his alignment, hit points,
               slashing from nonmagical attacks                 Hit Dice, ability to speak, proficiencies, Legendary Resistance,
              Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened,   and Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores, as well as this
               paralyzed, poisoned, stunned                     action. His statistics and capabilities are otherwise replaced by
              Senses truesight  2 0 ft., passive Perception 24   those of the  new form, except any class features or legendary
              Languages all, telepathy  2 0 ft.                 actions of that form.
              Challenge 28  (120,000 XP)
                                                                LEG E N  D A R Y ACTIO  N  S
              Deadly Critical. Rak Tulkhesh scores a critical hit on a roll of  9    Rak Tul k hesh can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from
              or  0   and rolls the damage  i ce three times, instead of twice.   the options below. Only one legendary action option can be
                                                                used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn.
              Innate Spe/lcasting.  Rak Tulkhesh's spellcasting ability is Cha­
              risma (spell save DC 24). He can  n nately cast the fo l owing   Rak Tulkhesh regains spent legendary actions at the start
              spells, requiring no material components:         of his turn.
                                                                Attack. Rak Tulkhesh makes one weapon attack.
              At will: detect thoughts, dispel  a gic, spirit guardians
              l/day each: banishing smite, blinding smite, staggering smite   End Magic (Costs 2 Actions). Rak Tulkhesh casts dispel magic.
                                                                Provoke Rage (Costs 3 Actions). Each creature within 60 feet of
              Legendary Resistance (3/Day).  If Rak Tulkhesh fails a saving   Rak Tulkhesh  u st succeed on a DC 24 Wisdom saving throw
              throw, he can choose to succeed instead.           or use its reaction to make a melee weapon attack against
                                                                 a random creature within reach. If no creatures are within
              Magic Resistance- Rak Tulkhesh has advantage on saving   reach, it makes a ranged weapon attack against a random
              throws against spells and other magical effects.   creature within range, throwing its weapon if necessary. This
              Whirlwind o f  Weapons_ A magical aura of weapons sur­  attack is made with advantage and gains a +4 bonus to the
              rounds Rak Tulkhesh in  a 1 0   foot radius. At the start of each   damage roll.
              of his turns, any other creature in the aura takes 14  (4d6)
              force damage.
                                                                                   C  H  APTER 6  I  FRIENDS AND FOES
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